Topic/Discussion Title:
A Resolution of the Salt Lake County Council Approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City for the Transfer of County Transportation Funds
Description: Salt Lake City’s ILA for $55,365 was drafted to allow the use of the remaining funds of SLC’s Active Transportation agreement #0000001781 in the amount of $500,000 for the bicycle infrastructure along 900 South between 950-1300 East and the intersection of McClelland Trail project. To date they have been reimbursed $444,635 leaving a balance of $55,365. While drafting an amendment to extend the expiration date on the contract it was discovered that there was an error on the County side of the original expiration date in our system. The request is that SLC still be able to request the remaining funds allocated to the project by entering into a new agreement for the balance.
Requested Action: Approval
Presenter(s): Helen Peters
Time Needed: 5 min
Time Sensitive: No
Specific Time(s): No
Requesting Staff Member: Vanessa Nelson
Will You be Providing a PowerPoint: No
Please attach the supporting documentation you plan to provide for the packets. Agenda items must be approved by Wednesday at 11:00 am. While not ideal, if PowerPoint presentations are not yet ready, you can submit them by 10 am the Friday morning prior to the COW meeting. Items without documentation may be withheld from consideration for that COW meeting.