Topic/Discussion Title:
Consideration of a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of Amendment No. 4 to the Tax Increment Reimbursement Agreement Between the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake County and Arbor Park Associates, LC
Description: Consideration of a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of Amendment No. 4 to the Tax Increment Reimbursement Agreement Between the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake County and Arbor Park Associates, LC
Requested Action: Approval
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Time Needed: Choose an item.
Time Sensitive: Choose an item.
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Will You be Providing a PowerPoint: Choose an item.
Please attach the supporting documentation you plan to provide for the packets. Agenda items must be approved by Wednesday at 11:00 am. While not ideal, if PowerPoint presentations are not yet ready, you can submit them by 10 am the Friday morning prior to the COW meeting. Items without documentation may be withheld from consideration for that COW meeting.