Topic/Discussion Title:
A Resolution of the Salt Lake County Council Approving Execution of Amendment Number One to an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (County Contract # 2155) and Execution of Amendment Number Two to an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (County Contract # 1702) with West Jordan City Providing for a Reallocation of Funding between Those Two Contracts for Transportation Projects
Description: Two amendments revising West Jordan’s transportation contracts #1702 and #2155. Contract #1702(SB 277) for the 8600 South flyover bridge has an allocation of $1.7M. Contract #2155(4th Quarter Choice Fund) for the 1300 West widening project has an allocation of $3M. West Jordan currently has a mix of federal and non-federal funding sources for both projects. David Murphy with West Jordan requested the fund revision so that all the federal dollars and therefore federal requirements, will be on one project and the other project will remain a non-federally funded transportation project. These amendments will take $1.7M from agreement #1702 and put into onto #2155. And then take $1.7M from agreement #2155 and put it back onto #1702 for the flyover bridge. This is a budget neutral exchange on the County side but will allow West Jordan to have the 8600 South flyover bridge project proceed without federal requirements and the widening of 1300 West to proceed with federal requirements.
Requested Action: Approval
Presenter(s): Helen Peters
Time Needed: 5 min
Time Sensitive: No
Specific Time(s): No
Requesting Staff Member: Vanessa Nelson
Will You be Providing a PowerPoint: No
Please attach the supporting documentation you plan to provide for the packets. Agenda items must be approved by Wednesday at 11:00 am. While not ideal, if PowerPoint presentations are not yet ready, you can submit them by 10 am the Friday morning prior to the COW meeting. Items without documentation may be withheld from consideration for that COW meeting.